Gov’t Functions Despite Elections Deadlock

This past week, we have seen certain stability and a tacit acceptance of the current elections deadlock.

The opposition are escalating their antagonizing rhetoric and disruptions, stalling the elections and calling foreign meddling in Somalia’s affairs.

On the other hand, the government keeps working for the benefit of the country.

For the past few weeks, President Farmajo administration has been operating like a well-oiled machine, just annoyed by all the noise of the opposition.

The Prime Minister Robleh, at the helm of the government, in coordination with the President and other key political players in Mogadishu, is focused on keeping the public administration functional while opening his door for political dialogue.

Since the COVID-19 resurfaced, Minister Fawsiya Abikar take the effort to get the right data about the COVID spread from all regions and keep the citizen informed about the development the deadly disease. She is also making sure hospital has the assistance they need and to secure vaccines to fight this pandemic from UK and India.

Somali National Army top Generals are at the front leading the effort to fight al-Shabbab in southern regions without the 20,000 strong AMISOM. They are also present in protecting the capital and country’s southern borders against Kenya’s armed militias.

Finance Minister Beyle is working to free the country from its debt and this week alone succeeded in convincing the Italians to waive their part of the debt.

Under his leadership, a peaceful and successful state funeral was organized for the late president Ali Mahdi in Mogadishu.

The Safety Minister, Mr. Xundubey, more than ever, is on the frontline to quell the feeling the current political crisis has generated. Under his watch, no one can float current strict rules on public gathering.

The Defence Minister, preparing the nation for the replacement of AMISOM, welcomed newly minted Gorgor units trained in Turkey and sent new recruits back there to finalize their training.

The Banadir governor imposed news regulations to keep people safe from COVID spread and Al-Shabbab terror.

A delegation lead by the deputy Prime Minister, Mahdi Guled, flew to The Hague to participate in the maritime dispute hearing. On his way to the ICJ, he exhorted all Somalis to unite behind this fight for their sovereignty.

Everyday, the federal government ministries and agencies are making sure citizens are kept safe and get the necessary assistance, in particular for those who are now suffering from drought and violence, and the country is represented on international forum.

The President, Mr. Farmajo, the head of this fine-tuned system, the man the opposition says he’s illegally occupying that position, is working on multiple fronts: steer the country through this turbulent time, keep the government on the track he initiated 4 years ago, receive foreign representatives accreditations…

Now, let’s see what the opposition members did this past 7 days.

-Spread false rumors and conduct smear campaign against the government by writing letters to foreign bodies and drag the government, their own government, in the mud.

-Endanger the safety of the population by floating safety and security rules

-Derail talks between the government and regional leaders by trying to insert their own divisive agenda.

-Plot with hostile foreign entities to destabilize and delegitimize the government.

-Jeopardize the development of the country

-Return Somalia to a time the country was fully supervised by foreigners.

What should they have done instead:

-Talk about the maritime dispute or support the government about this national liberation effort. Not only some of them betrayed the nation by selling our sea, they dare to undermine the government legitimacy in cleaning their mess.

-Participate in the national effort to contain the pandemic who claim the life of many, among other, Ali Mahdi and other dignitaries.

-Bring solutions to prevent terror attacks like the one who claimed the life of civilians at the Luul Yamani Restaurant or the Bosaso jail.

-Work toward easing the tension and sure elections happen in the near future.

-Share a fraction of the wealth they’re spending on smear campaigns and militias to assist civilians suffering from diseases, terror wounds, hunger and thirst in the drought hit areas.

There are plenty of ways they can make us forget about their past corruption, mismanagement, and betrayal of the nation. Instead, they believe they’re entitled to be consulted.

AbdiQani Badar

AbdiQani Badar is a historian, political commentator and avid writer. He has written extensively on Somali issues and historical events.