
Iran retaliation

Iran retaliated against Israeli aggression

Following the Israeli air strike on the Iranian embassy in Damascus on April 1, which killed diplomats and high-ranking generals, Iran predictably retaliated by raining missiles down on the Zionist state. Around 300 ballistic and cruise missiles, and drones were launched from Iranian territory to strike Israel for the first time. The 5-hour attack targeted […]

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PM Hamze Barre

US, UAE pressure Somali president to sack PM for calling Israel a terrorist organization

After weeks of no official statement and a president unwilling to address the great anguish felt by the Somali nation over the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza, Prime Minister Hamze Abdi Barre lashed out at Israel, calling it a terrorist organization while backing Hamas in its liberation struggle. In a conference held in Mogadishu earlier […]

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